Travelers Insurance Auto Accident Settlement Amounts

This page provides information on maximizing your settlement payout in a Travelers claim. It provides jury awards and settlement compensation examples to help you better understand how Travelers and juries determine how much personal injury cases are worth.

Travelers Insurance

Travelers Insurance has a long history dating back to 1853 when it was founded in Hartford, Connecticut. Over the years, the company has expanded, becoming the largest insurance company by value in the United States. The company sells various forms of insurance, including car insurance. Travelers has become such a significant player that it is now one of the select stocks on the Dow Jones Industrial Average. It seems like Travelers writes every kind of insurance, both imaginable and unimaginable.

However, in the Maryland auto insurance market, Travelers Insurance is less of a significant player. It ranks 20th, 31st, and 54th on Maryland’s ranking of market share for passenger cars and trucks. It holds three spots because there are so many related companies in its family of insurance companies.

Travelers Insurance in Car Accident Cases

Burnt Car

Our attorneys find it hard to make blanket generalizations dealing with Travelers regarding settlement. It really depends on the individual adjuster. Auto accident claims with Travelers seem to vary more from claims adjuster to claims adjuster. Some Travelers adjusters are eager to try to settle accident claims for what the value of the case would be at trial. Other adjusters are more challenging and our attorneys invariably expect these cases will require a lawsuit, and maybe a trial, to get the client the money they deserve for their injuries.

Still, this company is more reasonable on auto tort cases than most insurance companies. However, if you have a claim against Travelers, keep in mind one sobering fact before you get too excited: Travelers is an insurance company. Therefore, their goal is to pay you either nothing or as little as possible.

When we are talking about comparing insurance companies, it is all relative. They are one of the nicer tigers at the zoo. But they may still eat you. Insurance companies sometimes require pressure to look hard and realistically at the situation. The value of many of these claims often rise dramatically as the courthouse steps get closer. In this sense, it is every other insurance company.

At least in Maryland, Travelers attorneys are not racing to the courthouse steps to try cases. Not a lot of Travelers cases go to trial. As with many insurance companies, they don’t always make it easy. Sometimes you have to go a few rounds in litigation with them to get the right settlement offer.

Travelers Insurance Settlement Amounts and Jury Payouts

Below are some sample settlements with Travelers in Maryland. You do not see a lot of settlements and verdicts in recent years. These results are all pre-COVID. Travelers, as we have said, is not eager to let personal injury lawsuits in Maryland go to trial. The paucity of recent verdicts underscores this premise.

These verdict summaries are a mix of our cases, cases our colleagues have handled, and verdict reports. The critical thing to keep in mind is that these may not be reflective of your outcome, even if your facts appear similar. Why? Because there are so many other important tangible and intangible factors involved in a settlement or verdict that are not included in these short summaries. So, the take-home message is to read these and use them to evaluate the value of your claim. But take them with a grain of salt too.

Travelers Insurance Settlement Amounts and Jury Awards Nationally

How Do I Make a Claim with Travelers Insurance?

You can make a car or truck accident claim Travelers at 800-252-4633. You can also fill out a claim report online. Reporting your claim in a minor accident with no injuries is fine. But if you have a severe injury or wrongful death case, call a personal injury lawyer and get a free consultation with someone who knows what they are doing. You can talk to our trial attorneys 24/7 at 800-553-8082.

How Does Travelers Calculate the Settlement Value of Motor Vehicle Accident Claims?

Travelers uses Colossus to determine the settlement value of car and truck accidents and other tort claims. This is a computer program designed to calculate claim value systematically. Unfortunately, this settlement amount calculator is typically unfair to victims and does not adequately pay pain and suffering damage.

Colossus generally focuses on these factors in determining settlement amounts in personal injury cases. Several factors are considered when calculating a settlement amount, such as:

  1. Medical expenses: Travelers Insurance will typically evaluate the cost of medical treatment related to the injury. This includes past, ongoing, and future medical expenses, such as doctor visits, hospital stays, surgeries, physical therapy, and any required medical equipment. Travelers is less likely to quibble about what medical expenses are reasonably related to the crash than some other defendants.
  2. Lost wages: If the injured party cannot work due to the injury, Travelers Insurance will consider the amount of lost income. This may include wages lost during recovery and potential future lost earnings if the victim cannot return to work or experiences reduced earning capacity. Like medical expenses, Travelers is more reasonable than many typical auto accident insurers.
  3. Pain and suffering: Travelers Insurance may also consider the pain and suffering experienced by the victim due to the injury. This is a non-economic damage that can be challenging to quantify, but it may be based on factors such as the severity of the injury, the duration of pain, and the long-term impact on the victim’s quality of life. Pain and suffering tends to be the battlefield with Travelers. The pain and suffering calculator Travelers Insurance uses often falls short of full compensation.
  4. Liability: The degree of fault attributed to each party involved in the accident will also play a role in determining the settlement amount. In cases where the injured party shares some responsibility for the accident, the settlement may be reduced accordingly. If Travelers truly believes its insured did not cause the car accident, it will understandably often take a hard line and the chance of a jury trial increases exponentially.
  5. Insurance policy limits: The settlement amount may be affected by the limits of the insurance policy in question. If the damages exceed the policy limits, the insurance company may only pay up to the maximum amount covered by the policy. Period. This is true of every insurance company. They will not offer a settlement amount exceeding the policy limits.

Is Travelers a “Good” Defendant If You Want to Settle a Car Accident Claim?

Again, good is relative. We have had to file more than our fair share of lawsuits against Travelers. But insurance companies are awful. In this context, Travelers Insurance is not necessarily a bad draw. The chances our lawyers will settle a case without a lawsuit with this insurer is much higher than with Allstate, Geico, State Farm, or many of the other significant players in Maryland.

Still, most serious vehicle crash injury claims with this insurer will end in a lawsuit if the client’s goal is to get the largest settlement or final result possible.

Is Travelers Eager to Litigate and Take to Trial Personal Injury Cases?

Travelers reaches an out-of-court settlement in most personal injury cases in Maryland before trial. Travelers has good lawyers who will put Maryland personal injury lawyers through their paces. But at the end of the litigation process and before trial, their lawyers typically make lump sum settlement offers that are reasonable.

Who Defends Travelers’ in Maryland and Washington, D.C. in Personal Injury Lawsuits?

The Travelers has in-house lawyers who work for the insurance company. It sounds like a normal law firm — the Law Offices of Joseph M. Jagielski – but it is actually made up of lawyers that are employees of Travelers. Their office is in Baltimore on St. Paul Street.

Who Defends Lawsuits Against Travelers?

Most Travelers lawsuits in Maryland are defended by the Law Offices of Joseph M. Jagielski. The firm is located on St. Paul Street in Baltimore.

The name of the law firm would lead you to believe they are private counsel but the lawyers in this law firm are Travelers employees. The attorneys at Jagielski’s office are particularly good lawyers compared to most motor vehicle insurance companies. Why? It is probably because they need better lawyers as this insurer has a large number of commercial cases, which tend to be bigger claims if for no other reason than commercial vehicles tend to be larger.

Our Lawyers Can Help You with Your Accident Claim Against Travelers

Our firm has handled many auto accident claims involving Travelers and has obtained many favorable outcomes for our clients. If you or a loved one have suffered a personal injury or wrongful death and believe that a Travelers Insurance insured may be responsible, our experienced legal team is here to assist you in navigating the complex claims process and ensuring that you receive the compensation you deserve. Call us today at 800-553-8082 or get a free online consultation.

More Required Reading on Dealing with Travelers