NUSHP is a high-quality, affordable health plan dedicated to your well-being.
The waiver portal is currently open for all students who have received their Fall semester bill with the Health Plan Fee listed. The deadline is September 30.
Students enrolled in the 2023-2024 health plan can find their personal insurance information on their Student Hub.
Massachusetts law requires that every full-time and every part-time student enrolled in a certificate, diploma, or degree-granting program in higher education must participate in their school’s Student Health Program or in a health benefit plan with comparable coverage. Students enrolled in fully remote programs are not subject to this mandate and are therefore not eligible for NUSHP.
The Northeastern University Student Health Plan (NUSHP) goes well beyond the requirements of the law. Students enrolled in NUSHP receive platinum-level coverage nationwide, and even receive international benefits. Students receive continuous coverage, usable at home, on campus, and abroad.
While every eligible student is automatically enrolled in NUSHP, you may elect to opt out of the plan and remain on your own insurance if that plan provides comparable coverage. For more information on the waiver process, visit our Waiver page.